The bandages and patches paired with his movement of covering his face with the hoodie really tie his personality to a more silent type of character, someone who tries actively to not get noticed or who know how to hide well in anygiven situation
The bandages and patches paired with his movement of covering his face with the hoodie really tie his personality to a more silent type of character, someone who tries actively to not get noticed or who know how to hide well in anygiven situation
Sylvester indeed needed to emit that he's not a people's person. He prefers to be alone and I think represented that well enough xD
ah, very dandy and dapper, the gold embroidery of the lapels in the waistcoat pairs so nicely with the gypsy dance sash.
its kinda smug and daring but also inviting
This one was particularly difficult since we had project alot of things :
- A creepy smile, yet threatening at the same time
- A representation of wealth transmited by the clothes
- A magic user represented by the pose and accessories
- A modern vampire born 300 years ago ( so an olden day fashion style preference )
All that working in harmony ~
more like PyRomantic
everyday is a good day todraw Travis
good boi
at least she gets straight to the point
Thats a bad idea, space ants will come soon
OranGe Guice
Thi cant get more epic
i love this calm liminal spaces, less scary and more nostalgic
"If I knew how things worked, I wouldn't be here right now"
Age 24, o
The street
Behind your walls
Joined on 3/17/19