i think i reached a soft cap because no matter what i do i cannot get more stone, nor leather nor wood, i gather and trade but it always reaches it peak at 20 or less and i cannot build anything else, i tried to demolish some houses but this doesnt work at all
aside form that i find it an interesting concet nontheless
Edit: pkay, after upgrading the storage i began to expand the city just fine, i even got the shipwreck and the 4 warrios, and i must say, that was my favourite part of it all, reading their interactions is amazing, how some seem to know each other, i just wich they had more interactions, maybe regarding the places they visit, like narrating how dank and dark was the ship or how they met the exact same merchant 5 times in the caves, that would be cool.
Also, there is a slight bug in the campfire screen, when you complete a dungeon for the first time you get those rectangular medals in the right side of the screen, that makes the dialogue of the Warrior and the Rogue hard to read because it clips behind it