This was amazing to play, really good job, a treause hunt inside a labyrinth filled with weird creatures that make you go back to sleep is something that while it has been seen, it still offers a lot of more possibilities.
from starters, being in third person and having to listen for the dangres lurking around is an idea that really resonates with me since also do that, im always listening and trying to pinpoint where everything around me is, the slow pace of the characters really puts a weight into their actions, maybe they are sleepy, maybe tired, maybe so scared that it cant move much faster.
The whole aesthetic is magestic, from the get go i loved how the title screen twirled around and came close to the screen as a transition, and how the game glitches everytime you lose, the monocromatic aspect also could be seen as a way to say "this place is so dark you can barely see the colors around you", and the little animations like the sleep, picking up the cartridges and the walking cycle are also really well made.
The sound design is where it shines the most, having 2 tones play at the same time indicating how close a new cardtrige or an enemy might be, i also discovered super late in the game that pushing the spacebar made the character sign or something like that, it was a nice detail, but the breathy like sounds of the monsters really put me on my nerves.
i only had one problem, and its towards the end i think in the 7th cardtrige, when you are at the very end of a tunnel with only one exit, those fuckers applied the pincer tactic and caught me one to many times, thats the only time i felt stressed and angry because i had to trick them into following me, make a 3-14 and lose them in one of those donut like structures, im not sure im explaining myself, but from there i could pass the game like a lightning bolt.
Great work on every aspect, the art and the audio work perfectly in sync to create a scary athmosphere.