Really cool concept, the story is very simple, abitu the revenge and all of that, but the universe it implies is interesting and left me wanting more, the aesthetic is some of the best i have seen, when i saw it it was like a flashback of retro nostalgia and euphoria, Metal Slug is one of the most cheerised memories of my young times and thit looks like a natural evolution of that cartoony style.
having said that, i have a few problems with the controls, they feel kinda clunky, i feel like games like these should be more quick, the speed of the strikes is great, but i mean the movement and the pace, fully stopping after jumping feels strange, there should be some movement forwards after lading, the air punch should still be active like a downwards kick all the way to the ground to make it effective, its hard to land it if i press attack at the top of the jump and it renders it useless a lot of the time, aside from the dash, a dash attack would be god to have, that way you can make more space between you and the enemy, and it could also evade enemies wen in a tight situation.
maybe also being able to roll sooner after you have been knock down would improve the speed of the game, also, some knockback would work too, stunning the enemy is good, but the enemy right behind it can attack by surprise and ruin a good combo, or moving a little forward with each punch, togain more reach at each attack.
all of that aside, i had a great time, its really fun to play, this are just some ajustments to improve on the main experience, but everything else, from the controls, the graphics, the story its all super super good, keep on going, thi has future